
Everett's 18 month update

I am counting it a success that I am writing this before Everett turns 19 months old, which is a week away, and not focusing on the fact that it's 3 weeks late. We have had a very busy month. We have been living with Mom for about a month now. It has been challenging but also much smoother than I expected. I have been most surprised with myself and how exhausted I am all the time... but more on that another time.

Our sweet boy had his 18 month checkup a few weeks ago and was "perfect" according to the doctor... not that we needed him to tell us that. Everett continues to be the absolute bright spot in our day. Our little bear is not so little, he is weighing in at 26.4 lbs (79%), 32.5 inches long (54%) and with a head circumfrence of 19 inches (75%).  He is a strong, outgoing, thriving little boy who is ALL boy.

Everett has adjusted like a champ to his new surroundings and is loving living with his Nana. Those two truly have a unique bond for one another. Everett loves to "entertain" people when he is around them and always knows how to put on a show. He is running and exploring everything. Picking up anything he can get his hands on including the trashcan. He likes to try and help load the dishwasher but also likes to try and get in it. Everett is so smart it blows our minds. He is obsessed with his bear, Meyer who now travels with him everywhere we go. He will not take naps or go to bed without him. Everett loves to horse around with his daddy, which is what is happening as I type this. He thinks his daddy is truly the funniest person in the world. Everett has gotten a little selfish with his kisses but always hands them out at just the right time to his Mama.

We started a big milestone this past week which I am contiunally feeling guilty about, Everett began Mother's Day Out twice a week. He has only gone once and I missed him every minute he was gone. The teacher told me he slept great on his nap mat, which I was very worried about, and had an overall really good day. I know this will be a good experience for him socially and maybe develop his verbal skills a bit more.

Last weekend Everett had a first with his Dad and they took a boys trip to visit Drew's dad in the DFW area. I was nervous about sending them alone together and Drew was a little worried about the 6 hour drive but they had a blast and a bonding experience that Drew will forever remember. Drew came home saying Everett is the coolest and easiest kid.

Everett is really enjoying giving high-fives and shaking people's hands right now. He thinks it is so funny. He is also sitting longer and more focused watching Disney movies, mainly Toy Story or Daniel Tiger's neighborhood. He drinks like a fish and will down a sippee cup in no time. He also really loves drinking from a straw from Mom or Dad's cup. He loves watching for his Dad to come home from work and going for rides in his wagon. Everett continues to have the sweetest demeanor and smile. He melts me. As his Dad says, "He is AWESOME!"

So 18 months later we couldn't be prouder of the sweet growing boy you are. We love you bear!