
11 Month Old Bear!

Sweet little precious baby boy is 11 months old!

Everett you look just like your Dad but are onery like your Mom (some might say.) You push the limits my little darling. I have had to really get onto you twice for ignoring my "no's". You welled up in a cry and took comfort in my arms which immediately made me so sad but within minutes you were right back at it.

You have started this new squinty eyed face, you bunch your little nose up and squint those sweet eyes together. It's hilarious and adorable! It started when I was rocking you to sleep for a nap one day and after rocking you for 30 min and getting nothing but the squinty face I decided to just lay you down in your crib. You immediately drifted off to sleep. So much to the sadness and equal excitement of your  mama we don't rock you to sleep anymore.

You continue to love food! Mac and cheese, and goldfish are new favorites. 

You are learning to make more and more noises with your mouth. Always trying to copy what
 someone is doing to you whether it me growling, roaring or screeching. 

You are getting very brave in the bathtub. Always on the move, playing with the faucet, drinking the water and splashing! 

We have started watching some Baby Einstein shows and you really enjoy it for about 20 minutes! You are showing increased interest in books, mostly to chew on the corners.

Everett you are adding to your already 8 teeth with two more on the bottom coming up. It has made you a little cranky and very needy. Whosever arms you are in and feel comfortable you will not let that person put you down. It has been your Aunt Kelsey mostly if not your mama.

My Darling Boy you continue to bring your Dad and I so much Joy! We love you bear!!


A Birthday worth Celebrating!

Another year and I am increasingly amazed at this woman. Her strength and courage continue to astonish me.

I look back and think, look how far we have come with this disease look how much it has taken from her. And then I think... look how with us she still can be!

Her happiness comes from Everett. undoubtedly! Everytime we speak on the phone she remembers to ask "How is my baby?" The love they share for one another is amazing!

She doesn't remember it is her birthday. I have been reminding her for the past week leading up to it. I want her to know what an accomplishment this is. Living another year is not something to turn your nose up at. She survived another year living with a dreadful disease and she still smiles.

Happiest of Birthday to my hero! Your true beauty still shines and radiates when we are together! I miss you terribly but am grateful to have you still here! I love you more than you know!


My Little Bear is 10 months old

Everett.... you make me SO HAPPY!!

You continue to be the sweetest, most easy-going baby... aside from when you were sick and a little bit more high maintenance. You got a viral infection resulting in fever, mucus, runny nose and a nasty cough. You ONLY wanted to be held my me. We tried to leave you with your Aunt Nene and Uncle Lane for a night so we could go to your Dad's Christmas Party and you whined most of the time. Two days later I took you out shopping, you were on antibiotics for your cold and were doing way better. I had you on one hip while sifting through a rack of clothes finishing my Christmas shopping, you grabbed my hair, pulled by face to yours and planted a big ole kiss right on my lips. It was the most precious moment ever!!

At your last appointment you weighed in at 23.8 lbs! You are now eating everything. You are a big fan of eggs, we started those early cause your Mom didn't know you were supposed to wait till you were older, but you never had a reaction to them and have loved them ever since. You also really like cheese, french fries and mashed potatoes. You will have absolutely nothing to do with the Gerber "puffs" we had loaded up on. They are for infants just learning to eat and dissolve quickly in your mouth. You know now that they are "fake" food and will not accept them as a snack, you want the real deal! We introduced you to cheerios and you seem to be a fan.

At your last appointment we were told to start introducing you to a sippee cup. I already had some and was anxious to get you started on them. For the first couple of weeks you just threw them on the ground and would not attempt to drink from them at all. One night we were eating with your Nana and Grandnana and you picked up that sippee cup and went to town on it and you have not looked back since.

Everett you are making big attempts to walk. I have a feeling it will not be long before you do it on your own. Right now you hold hands with your Dad or I and will walk from one to the other. I am told this is huge even at your age! We are so proud of you!

You are getting to learn the words "No" much more these days. You have a fascination with the Christmas Tree. We are constantly telling you not to eat the ornaments or tree limbs. You have also been trying to sneak into some presents. You definitely have an ornery side my little love!

Everett, you remain your Dad's little twin. Everywhere we go, people comment on how you look just like your Daddy. Your Aunt Nene did say you look like me when you have your sleepy face on. I think this is more due to the fact that we are both a little dazed and grumpy when we just wake up.

You are loving make blowing noises with your mouth these days. At church on Sunday a few of Grandnana's friends were talking to you and you responded by "blowing" in their face.

You like to bite things and you have a really hard bite. You think it's funny to bite my finger, and when I yell "oww" you laugh. It was a fun little game until it really did start to hurt! The other day you had crawled over to Norah who was in her bouncer, and you grabbed her feet and bit her toe... she started crying. You didn't laugh because it was your buddy crying and I sympathized with her. So now we don't play that game and you are learning that biting is not ok.

I cannot believe you are 10 months old my little bear. Life has been made perfect and magical with you in it!