
Fall Pictures of Everett

 Happy First Halloween from our little Elephant!!

Everett and I have spent a lot of time at home lately taking pictures. I have found a new Joy in photography that had previously burnt out in me from being bogged down with wedding photography over the past couple of years. Getting to dress Everett up, or strip him down and put him in fun scenes when it suites our moods has been an absolute blast for me. Finally getting to use all my "photography pins" on Pinterest for my own purpose and enjoyment of documenting my precious Boys life.  So here are a few we have taken over the past week, Soaking up every bit of Fall we can!


Everett's 8 Month Update

Precious little boy is 8 months old! Needless to say our love grows every single day as his personality continues to shine.

Everett you are a moving machine. You love to roll over and over and over. You are also crawling, we can't keep you in one place. I can't believe you are big enough to be moving so much on your own! You are also learning to pull yourself up. The first time you did it was in the bathtub, we started putting you in a laundry basket in the tub instead of your infant tub. You love it! I was turning half-way around telling your Dad that we needed to lower your crib because you were so close to pulling yourself up when I turned around and you were pulling yourself up in the tub! So your Dad went right to your room and lowered your crib down. I am loving now that you can crawl over to me and pull up on my legs when you want to be held.

Everett you have developed this new laugh that is like you are trying to cough and laugh at the same time. It cracks me up. Your real laugh comes out when we tickle your thighs, blow on your feet or tummy, or give you kisses on your neck. Its a beautiful sound!

It is official, your first word is most definitely "Mama!" I heard it before but finally you said it in front of other people who no longer think that I am crazy. I am beyond ecstatic that Mama is your first word and now we are working on getting you to say "Dada." No luck yet!

Everett you have 8 teeth! 4 on top and 4 on bottom and I do believe you are the youngest infant ever to have this many teeth!!

You have mastered the "grunt" and it is hilarious!! Your dad is convinced you got that from me, and I agreed until we were sitting in the living room one night and your Dad was working on his homework when the biggest grunt came from him and I immediately switched sides...  you definitely get it from him! Along with your looks, you are the spitting image of your Dad and I can a finally admit to seeing it. 

Your Dad bought you a walker the other day, he had been dying to get you one for a long time and couldn't hold off until Christmas. Now you are roaming all over the house! You follow me from room to room as best you can during the day. You were a quick learner and are now speeding all over the house, and ramming into things like your in a bumper car. It's a joy to watch you discover new parts of the house on your own!

You are becoming more and more aware of food around you and you are not happy when you can't have any of it! You try your hardest to climb up to the table to reach any and all food.

Everett you had several firsts this month: Visit to the Pumpkin Patch, Riding in your Wagon, Swinging at the Park, Sucking your thumb, Tub bath, Matching outfit with Norah, Football game, and Chocolate Chip Cookie.

Everett we adore  you and every single day with you!


A Morning Spent with Norah

One of the best things about staying at home with Everett is getting to spend our days with Neeley and Norah. We always dreamed of raising our kids together and now that we are both staying home with them it gives us a lot of time during the day to see one another. Runs to the grocery store, boring errands to the bank or post office are made all the more fun with two kids and your best friend! Norah has been extremely colic since she was born. Crying non-stop all day, everyday. Poor Neeley and Lane have tried everything to help her, finding solice in prescription formula and keeping her moving nonstop. For this reason and my procrastination we just this past weekend were able to get some real pics taken of sweet Norah. I was so honored to get to take these pics of my precious niece and document how beautiful and tiny she is whether she is crying or not! Norah's trick is to keep her constantly moving in big bouncy moves or/and sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. There was plenty of both going on while we tried to get her picture and that sweet little girl pulled it together, to our surprise, to have her moment in the spotlight! I am completely obsessed with these pictures and how precious this girl is! Norah what a blessing you are to our lives!!


First Trip to the Pumpkin Patch

On Friday we met Lane, Neeley and Norah for the kid's first trip to the pumpkin patch!

Neeley and I had picked up matching Jack-O-Lantern onesies for Everett and Norah several weeks back in anticipation of this epic trip. I have been so excited to get the cute "Pumpkin Patch" pictures with the kids since before we had them. It was a nice pre-fall evening Everett had just eaten and we were in a 30 minute window before Norah needed to eat so it was perfect timing. With Norah being very colic these days we were a little nervous about how she would do but wanted the memories no matter what. She cried for a bit which got Everett started and I have to say that the pictures of them both crying are definitely my favorites! But sweet Norah finally pulled on a straight face and we were able to get some of both of them looking somewhat happy. I love that these two are so close to the same age and in the same town that they will be able to share these moments of firsts together!

Happy Fall!!!


2014 Alz Walk

Team Miles for Molly participated in the 2014 Walk to End Alzheimer's a few weekends ago. I am so proud to say it was our biggest year yet, biggest team and our largest amount of money raised so far!

Thanks to donations from lots of friends and family our team raised, $3,875!! We ended up in third place overall in the area! I was so proud and excited for everyone that showed up to walk and donate. Mom's elation was evident on the day, she spent her time in high spirits with only few tears coming out as she looked around at the people there to support her. As the program began she was asked to stand at the front and hold up a blue flower, which represents all those people who have dementia. As she stood there holding her flower, staring at me instead of the crowd and crying, I thought about how far we have come in one year, even two. How far this disease has attacked her brain and wondering what next year will look like. She was one of very few who was able to actually walk in the walk instead of being seated in a wheelchair looking on idly.

This year we had t-shirts made instead of the hand-made ones we have been sporting in the last few years. Aunt Tammy and I came up with a concept of a tree, half alive half dead, we felt like it signified the progression of the disease. We had a purple ribbon wrapped around the tree to signify Alzheimer's.  Aunt Tammy had come up with a saying a while back "LivE On" with the E and O standing for Early Onset in Alzheimer's. I loved the shirts, and the way the turned out! Very representative of our family's journey with this disease.

This was little Norah's first big outing and we wanted She and Everett to match us. We got the kids grey onesies from Hobby Lobby and the amazingly talented Lane painted a tree with Miles for Molly on their shirts! They both slept through the whole walk but were precious in their matching outfits! The first of many matching photos!!

I was so thankful to each person who gave up their Saturday morning to join us for the Walk. Mom didn't express her gratitude as I know she really wished she could and forgot later what everyone had done for her but it sticks with me and when I look at these faces I know how blessed we are with such an incredible support system of family!

1. Mom and I, 2. Patrick and Mom 3. Taren (Patrick's Girlfriend) and Mom 4. BJ, Carrie (Drew's Sister) and Everett

1. Mom and her friend from highschool Barbara 2. Aunt Tammy, Everett and Kels 3. Mom, Doss, and Aunt Charlotte, 4. Lane & Neeley

My Handsome Husband is 30!!

Last year for Drew's 29th birthday, we went to Dallas to celebrate and I remember saying "Next year for 30 we will do something huge!"

Well life happens, a baby, one income and little preparation and Drew's 30th wasn't quite what I wanted it to be but we celebrated the best we could! Drew was very anti-30 this year so he wasn't to game on a big hooplah anyway. 

I decided to have a family get together at Napoli's, an Italian restaurant here, to celebrate in a low key way. I wanted to make it as festive as I could so I worked after Everett went to bed a few nights a week leading up to make some decorations for the tables and a banner of pictures of Drew growing up to hang in the room.

It was a wonderful night celebrating the man who makes each day amazing for Everett and I. He sacrifices so much for us and his love never ceases. We love you Drew! Happy 30th Birthday (late) and here's to #31 being even better!!