I cannot even begin to describe the past couple of days. Full of sadness, tears, hurt, and pain. The complete ridiculousness of it all keeps coming to my mind, ridiculous to have to find a dress to wear to my father's funeral. The ridiculousness that I cannot just call him and tell him about my day. The ridiculousness that after his six year fight with cancer it just ended in one morning. The ridiculousness that I woke up Friday morning to an email amongst all the spam I get with a link to my dad's obituary.
There has been a tightness in my chest ever since I got the call. Sometimes it is loosened and sometimes I can barely grasp a breath.... he can't really be gone!
Drew and I drove to Dallas/Ft. Worth Thursday night- I felt an urgent need to get there, to be close and instantly wanted to leave once I arrived. People kept telling me to call Christie and check in but I couldn't force myself too- that would make it to real. Friday we went to Dad and Christie's apartment where she was preparing for the services with her brothers watching over her. I had prayed for a calm, a peace to not let me hyperventilate while I was sitting there. We calmly sat amongst each other hardly discussing what had happened. It helped me to see that she was ok, she was getting through this. Ryan and Darrah came over with Peyton which offered a good distraction.
Drew met Ryan, Darrah and Peyton all for the first time. I wished Dad could have been sitting there to mediate the meeting.
I lay in bed that night craving a distraction from my mind. Desperately not wanting the next morning to come. I was dreading it and pleading with God to not make that day happen.
Saturday morning I woke up thinking I had been living a dream the past two days. When my alarm went off again I knew I had to get up and get dressed for the services. I instantly felt nauseas, the tightness in my chest unbearable. I was deciding between two dresses, one with floral on it or plain black. I debated in my head and aloud one is too stuffy for my dad one is not stuffy enough for a funeral. I decided on the floral.
Driving to Grapevine from Ft. Worth I felt like I was going to throw up. I begged Drew to turn the music down, roll the windows down in the frigid air and let me close my eyes to escape. I was screaming in my head to myself to not throw up. Pleading that the Prince of Peace would engulf me and get me through this horrific day. Praying for strength. I didn't want to go in to the funeral home alone, I had Drew but I needed Ryan with me. I needed his balance.
We walked into the room together. Seeing my dad made it real. I wish with everything in me I could escape that image of him lying there.
I was worried about Patrick all morning. He walked in with dignity and sorrow. The pride I felt in my brothers that day will never me matched.
The service was nice. Friends from Dad's life in Dallas were introducing themselves to me "again." One lady came up to me and told me that she worked with him at Durham, his job driving the school bus he loved. She told me he was her first friend. That he saw her one day, spoke to her and gave an encouraging smile and took her under his wing. She said over and over he was her first friend. Then cried as she thought of the loss she would feel daily at work.
Even as I type this I feel as though I am living a silly little dream.
I am fearful of the future. I am saddened for the memories that will not be. The life that my dad will not be apart of, my marriage, more grandchildren, christmas', birthdays. I am heartbroken for my brothers, one who lost his best friend, the other who will never know... Heartbroken for Christie who has lost her true love.
I am left desperately trying to understand what God's plan is, I felt like Dad was getting better. Trying to understand Heaven, I want to know where my dad is, what he is doing. Just left in a world where my larger than life Dad doesn't exist any longer.